
Registration tarifs for :

Entry fees start at 105 € (± R$ 556.50) per sample, with a discount from six entries onwards.

For entries before 30/03, use the promo code EARLYBRA3003 at checkout.

For entries from 30/03 to 30/07, use the promo code EARLYBRA3005 at checkout.

Price / Sample
Samples Before 30/03 30/03 to 30/07 31/07 to 25/09
1 to 5 105 € (± R$ 556.50) 115 € (± R$ 609.50) 140 € (± R$ 742.00)
6 to 10 95 € (± R$ 503.50) 105 € (± R$ 556.50) 130 € (± R$ 689.00)
= 11 85 € (± R$ 450.50) 95 € (± R$ 503.50) 120 € (± R$ 636.00)

Shipping conditions and sample collection points :

Ship 3 bottles of wine or 2 bottles of spirit, individually labeled, to the address indicated below, along with a shipping invoice:
Delivery in Brazil
Delivery address :
Market Press - Brasil Selection by CMB
Av. São Camilo, 412, conjunto 12
Granja Viana, Cotia, SP
CEP 06709-150
Sample delivery :
01/02/2024 - 30/09/2024

Contact :
Whatsapp : (+11) 98347 2093
Mail :

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